3 Cops Arrested Inside Station in Leyte for Extorting Money from Lady

3 Cops Extorting Money Arrested in Inside Their Station in Leyte Authorities arrested three (3) cops inside their station in Leyte after they were accused of extorting money from a lady victim. The three police officers were arrested by members of the Philippine National Police’s (PNP) anti-scalawag squad in Palo, Leyte, in connection with the … Read more

Cops Arrest Man for Extorting Money from 60-Year-Old Ex-Girlfriend

Extorting Money

Police Authorities Arrest Man for Extorting Money from Former Girlfriend The police authorities have arrested the man for allegedly extorting money from his 60-year-old ex-girlfriend. Nowadays, the rate of crime in the Philippines continue to increase although the government is already implementing stricter rules and regulations. The crime continue to increase despite the health crisis. Poverty and … Read more

Scholar Arrested For Blackmailing His Fellow Student


Scholar Arrested For Extorting Money From His Fellow Student SCHOLAR – Cops arrested the 17-year-old “scholar” on Monday for extorting money from his fellow student. Parents want their kids to become a good citizen so they tried their best to send them to schools and have them educated. Good manners are mostly learned in our … Read more