Conjoined Twins w/ Honors Make Inspiring Elementary Graduation

Conjoined Twins

Conjoined Twins Earn Praises Online for Make Inspiring Elementary Graduation EXTRAORDINARY TWINS – Conjoined twins Joy and Joyce Magsino make an inspiring graduation after completing elementary with honors. As graduation season continues to celebrate the achievements of students nationwide, we extend our heartfelt congratulations to the extraordinary twins, Joy and Joyce Magsino, who have defied … Read more

Mother of Separated Conjoined Twins Thanks ‘Heroes’

The mother of the conjoined twins who were surgically separated in New York City was very thankful to the doctors whom she considered as heroes. The mother of the conjoined 13-month-old twins expressed her heartfelt thanks to the true heroes of the operation who separated her babies. Jadon and Anias McDonald were successfully separated by … Read more