Poor Farmer Airs Dismay After Unidentified Suspect Rustled His Cattle

Poor Farmer

Poor Farmer Expresses Frustration After Unidentified Suspect Slaughtered His Cattle San Jose City, Nueva Ecija – A poor farmer has expressed his disappointment after an unidentified suspect rustled his cattle. Nowadays, robbery has been one of the major problems not only in the Philippines but also in various regions all around the world. Some criminals have no … Read more

Fukushima beef: plans to be banned in Japan

Fukushima Beef

Beef products from Fukushima and its nearby place is eye to be banned for shipment as to the recent findings that these beef are being taken from cattle’s which were fed with feeds having radioactive caesium. This latest plans had followed to the announcement weeks ago by Prime Minister Kan that the cleaning process for … Read more