Leni Reminds Law Enforcers To Take Legitimate Means

Leni Reminds Law Enforcers

VP Leni reminds law enforcers in their ways of eradicating drugs and crimes in the country. LENI REMINDS LAW ENFORCERS – In the goal to clean the Philippines from drugs and crimes, Vice Pres. Leni Robredo emphasized the legitimate means to the lawmen. The current administration is on its maximum force to eliminate drugs and crimes … Read more

Andanar Confirms Case Against Alleged ‘Drug Generals’

Andanar confirms

Martin Andanar confirms that a case will be filed against the three generals included in Pres. Duterte’s drug protectors list. ANDANAR CONFIRMS – The communication secretary, Martin Andanar, recently confirmed that three out of five generals named by Pres. Rodrigo Duterte as involved in drug protection would be facing a case. The anti-drug campaign of … Read more