Future Stocks Predicted by Twitter

Twitter Logo

Researchers said that even if Twitter does not yet found a way to make money for itself but it is now doing a god job in generating cash for its user. Students of PhD in Technical University of Munich conducted a study and found out that investors following stock market tweets could have achieved an … Read more

Agusan Hostage Crisis Update: 13 Hostages Released

Agusan Hostage Crisis

The remaining 13 hostages in Agusan del Sur, Philippines were finally released by armed tribesmen 6 a.m. Wednesday as announced by Prosperidad Mayor Albin Magdamit in a press conference. The captives were said to be abandoned by the Manobo gunmen in an upland forest area outside the village of Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur. It was … Read more

New Page for Journalist launched by Facebook


The famous social networking site, Facebook has launched a media resource page last Tuesday. This is to help journalist use the social network as a reporting tool and have a better connection with their audience and readers. The new launched page is called the “Journalist on Facebook”. According to the blog post of Justin Osofsky, … Read more

Charice Pempengco Joins Hollywood Film “Here Comes the Boom!”

Charice Pempengco

An action-comedy movie Here Comes the Boom! will include the international singer sensation Charice Pempengco. The new movie will feature several Hollywood stars including Salma Hayek, Kevin James and Henry Winkler as well. Charice is an 18-year-old Filipino singer who is managed by Grace Mendoza. While Mendoza makes the confirmation she also announced that those … Read more

Francis Mwamba: Survivor of UN Plane Crash in Congo

UN Plane Crash in Congo Leaves 32 Dead

Francis Mwamba, a Congolese journalist and the lone survivor of the UN aircraft crash in Congo have already given his initial statement of the accident that took the lives of 32 p(–foul word(s) removed–)engers and crew members of the ill-fated plane that was crashed in Congo. He was on board the plane after a reporting … Read more

Catholic Church won’t Allow the Christian Weeding of Mariel Rodriguez and Robin Padilla

Robin and Mariel

The planned weeding of TV host Mariel Rodriguez and Robin Padilla this coming June 2011 will not happened. In an interview with the head of the National Appellate Matrimonial Tribunal, Lingayen Archbishop Oscar Cruz said that Catholic Church would not allow the couples union. Not the Muslim rites administered to the couple is the main … Read more

Japan Nuclear Plant decides to dump Radioactive Water into the Sea

Daiichi Fukushima Nuclear Plant

Nuclear plant in Japan hit by earthquake emptied up their radioactive room to store more highly radioactive water recently leaking at the site, by dumping water of low contamination level into the sea. It is said that Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, one of the damaged nuclear plants in Japan, will release about 11,500 tons of … Read more