YouTube Goes Down Proof (Pictures)

YouTube Goes Offline

The world’s leading video-sharing (–foul word(s) removed–), YouTube experience one of the worst online experience since it dominated the internet as the site goes down for about 5-10 minutes at around 4:15 to 4:20 PM (ET). The Google-owned company YouTube got followed the worst day of Google after it’s earning were being leaked by its … Read more

Stormtrooper Protects Google Data Center

Google Data Center Guard

One of the most popular character of the science-fiction movie Star Wars, stormtrooper protected Google’s Data center based upon the picture posted by Mashable on their site. The world’s most popular search engine Google have opened the doors to its vast data centers and reveled a picture of their guards. A life-size Stormtropper can be … Read more

Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan Appeared on Chinese TV Documentary Video

Mark Zukcerberg and Priscilla Chan CCTV documentary

Priscilla Chan and Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg was visiting Shanghai last March 2012 and coincidentally they were spotted by Chinese Cable Television during a documentary and the couple were caught on camera. The unexpected cameo appearance of the luckiest Chinese lady and the world’s most recognized founder of the social networking site Facebook have already created … Read more

Facebook Co-Founder Mark Zuckerberg Passes 10 Million FB Subscribers

Facebook most subscribed

Facebook co-founder and the social networks curator had made another milestones on his career by surpassing the 10 million subscribers mark. He was the fastest personality to make such an achievement since the company had made a status updates. The 10 million subscribers milestone had been achieved by Mark Zuckerberg with just 11 weeks. As … Read more

Jason Zada’s “Take This Lollipop” is World’s Fastest Growing Facebook App

World's Fastest Growing Application

With more than 9.9 million peopled liked the application which gives the application a permission to access your Facebook information, Jason Zada’s “Take This Lollipop” became the world’s fastest growing Facebook Application. The application is an interactive video that was launched two weeks prior to the Halloween celebration but still continues to haunt millions on … Read more

Blether Private Twitter Chats Introduced the Beta Version


Blether Labs, a Boston Technology start-up which was founded by Kevin Bradshaw had introduced on Tuesday a technology that lets you start private Twitter chats. The company  which is also based on Dunfermline, Scotland introduced !blether. Twitter users were limited to a 140-character only which causes public chats and DM’s  on Twitter an annoying experience. … Read more

Google Doodle pays tribute to Mendel

Google Doodle of peas

Visited Google this Wednesday and found doodles of peas? Search engine giant Google paid tribute to Gregor Johann Mendel, an Augustinian friar and scientist who celebrated his 189th birth anniversary Wednesday. People who visited Google were greeted with doodles of peas referring to Mendel’s experiment on plant hybridization. Mendel is known as the “father of … Read more

Facebook launches Skype Video Chat Feature (Demo Included)

Facebook and Skype partnership

Facebook’s integration with Skype was announced on Wednesday as a new way to stay connected with friends. The social networking giant added a video chatting feature so Facebook users better enjoy exchanging conversations one with another. In November of last year, the messages team of Facebook was able to combine the user’s chat, emails and … Read more

Google+ Challenged Facebook Through Circles, Sparks and Hangouts

Facebook Challenger Google+

Google once again challenged Facebook on it’s dominance on social networking by introducing Google+. A whole new improvement on it’s quest to topple the world’s biggest social networking site. The site was launched on June 28, 2011. The search giant Google had already try for the past few years to venture into social networks but … Read more