The second highest official in the Philippines made a staunch statement against the Aquino administration as he turned the tables on Malacañang with allegations of “dictatorial tendency,” suggesting that the ruling Liberal Party would like to hold on to power for the next two decades.
According to the 72-year-old Jejomar Binay, the administration’s statement that it needs 18 to 20 years for President Aquino’s program to bear fruits reveals the party’s desperation to stay in power.
The statement of the Vice President alleging the administration eyeing for a dictatorship was released by VP Binay during an interview in Gerona, Tarlac as part of his “working tours” across the country.
Vice President Binay was quoted as saying “They are holding very tight to power. We would know by the time the people cast their votes if they believe in the ‘straight path.’ If (Malacañang) wants 20 years, dictatorship is what it wants,” the Vice President said.
During previous interviews with the media, the Vice President revealed that the administration has hatched a three-phased plan to install a dictatorial government, one of them is to destroy the judiciary, and then the office of the Vice President.
Although the Vice President made an allegations against the administration, he is also open to Charter Change to remove the limits for President and Vice President even as he is opposed to the Anti-Political Dynasty Bill. For the past few years in the history of politics in Makati, the Binay family ruled for nearly 29 years since the year 1986 when Binay was appointed as Mayor by the late Pres. Aquino.