Miss Universe 2015 Turns Down Invitation from Colombian Rebels

Crowned Miss Universe 2015 has declined an invitation to meet with Colombia’s FARC leftist rebels who are waging Latin America’s oldest insurgency.

ms u(Miss Universe 2015 Paulina Vega. Photo by Alexander Tamargo / Getty Images North America / AFP)

The reigning Miss Universe Paulina Vega said she did not think such a meeting would do anything to help peace talks the guerrillas are holding with the government.

“Simply talking to them and having them tell me how things are going, I don’t think that is something very relevant to the peace process,” Vega said in a press conference Monday in Bogota.

In February, the crowned Miss Universe was invited to visit Havana to talk about the peace process.

The revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, known to be leftist rebels, have been holding peace talk with the Bogota government in Havana since 2012.

Vega is only the second Colombian to clinch the title in the pageant’s 63-year history.

Vega was in Bogota for a talk with President Juan Manuel Santos as courtesy for her tour in Colombia.

H/T: Rappler.com

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