Here are some one word examples and the meaning of one word substitution.
ONE WORD EXAMPLES – In English, One Word Substitution topic is very essential, and here are some of its examples.
In vocabulary, One Word substitution is the “type of question where a sentence or a phrase is simply replaced by a word that describes the whole sentence”.

Here are some one word examples:
Fields of study
Printing using a stone or a metal plate with a completely smooth surface | Lithography |
Mapping of earth and its formation | Geography |
Art related to ornate, good handwriting | Calligraphy |
Scientific study of bodily diseases | Pathology |
Study of birds | Ornithology |
Study of celestial bodies | Astronomy |
Study of collection of coins, tokens, paper money etc. | Numismatics |
Study of earth and rocks | Geology |
Study of election trends | Psephology |
Study of flying aero planes | Aviation |
Study of handwriting | Graphology |
Study of hereditary, genes and variation in living organisms | Genetics |
Study of human development | Anthropology |
Study of languages | Philology |
Study of living things | Biology |
Study of religion | Theology |
Study of science of insects | Entomology |
Study of sound and sound waves | Acoustics |
Study of the influence of planets and stars on human events | Astrology |
Qualities, habits, and abilities
One with unlimited power | Autocrat |
One who walks on ropes | Funambulist |
An expert in writing by hand | Chirographer |
The doctor who attends to child delivery | Obstetrician |
The doctor who attends to corns in the feet and hands | Chiropodist |
The doctor who deals with the female reproductive system | Gynecologist |
The doctor who specializes in root canal and nerve treatment | Endodontist |
The doctor who straightens teeth | Orthodontist |
The doctor who treats bone problems | Orthopedician |
The doctor who treats eye diseases | Ophthalmologist |
The doctor who treats gums | Peridontist |
The doctor who treats heart problems | Cardiologist |
The doctor who treats skin diseases | Dermatologist |
One who is all powerful | Omnipotent |
One who is all knowing | Omniscient |
One who is present all over | Omnipresent |
One who can throw his voice | Ventriloquist |
One who talks while sleeping | Somniloquist |
One who takes part in dialogue or conversation | Interlocutor |
One who walks in sleep | Somnambulist |
One who walks at night | Noctambulist |
One who is violently against established beliefs and traditions | Iconoclast |
Likes and dislikes
One who is a boot licker, flatterer | Sycophant |
One who has keen interest in food and drinks | Gourmet |
Love for mankind | Philanthropy |
Someone who loves collecting books | Bibliophile |
One who loves and admires the British | Anglophile |
One who loves without seriousness | Philanderer |
Fondness towards women | Philogyny |
One who loves men | Androphile |
One who loves wisdom (hence pursues it) | Philosopher |
One who hates men | Misandrist |
Madness or obsession with males | Andromania |
One who hates women | Misogynist |
One who hates mankind | Misanthropist |
One who loves his country | Patriot |
Excessive love for one’s country | Super patriotism |
One who hates marriage | Misogamist |
One who loves to speak | Loquacious |
Strong, deep dislike | Antipathy |
Simultaneously affected by similar feelings | Sympathy |
Mentally identifying oneself with other person or a thing | Empathy |
Something or someone makes you feel deep sadness or pity | Pathetic |
Practices and beliefs
One who believes in the presence of God | Theist |
One who doesn’t believe in the presence of God | Atheist |
One who believes in the theory of only one God | Monotheist |
One who believes in many Gods | Polytheist |
One who believes that God is union of all forces of the universe | Pantheist |
Religious madness | Theomania |
Battle among the Gods | Theomachy |
Practicing only one marriage (having only one wife) | Monogamy |
Practicing two marriages (having two wives) | Bigamy |
Practice of several marriages (having many wives) | Polygamy |
Self-fertilization especially in plants | Autogamy |
Marriage within one’s own tribe | Endogamy |
Marriage outside one’s tribe | Exogamy |
Having several husbands | Polyandry |
People who have both male and female organs | Hermaphrodite |
Systems of governance
Government by one person (royal) | Monarchy |
Government by two agencies | Diarchy |
Government by a few powerful people | Oligarchy |
Government by military class | Stratocracy |
Government by divine guidance | Theocracy |
Government by departments of state | Bureaucracy |
Government by nobility | Aristocracy |
Government by wealthy | Plutocracy |
Government by the people | Democracy |
A system of governing a country suggesting a father-child relation | Paternalism |
Government by one absolutely | Autocracy |
Absence of government | Anarchy |
A system ruled or controlled by men | Patriarchy |
The rule or control of mother | Matriarchy |
Self-rule or control | Autonomy |
Things, events, and places
A place for sun to enter where one can sunbath | Solarium |
A glass container in which fish and other water animals can be kept | Aquarium |
A place for feet or speaker’s platform | Podium |
The part of a theatre where people who are watching and listening sit | Auditorium |
An optical device for projecting various celestial images and effects | Planetarium |
An establishment for the treatment of the chronically ill | Sanatorium |
A place where objects are exhibited | Museum |
Trees whose leaves fall every autumn | Deciduous |
That which falls upon, befalls, happens | Incident |
That which falls to someone or something | Accident |
That which falls on the western countries | Occidental |
The school or college one attends | Alma Mater |
A self-moving vehicle | Automobile |
A machine that functions by itself | Automatic |
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