Most people don’t believe in miracles, but after I saw this particular video shot randomly in the streets of Kirov, Russia. Watch closely the viral video and focused on the person with a red shirt at the right side of the screen. He was only seconds from his untimely misfortune but miracle indeed saved him.
Watch the Video of How This Man Saved by A Miracle:
During the first time I saw this random video, I didn’t even see of how miracle happened but on the second time I watch the video and as I focus on the sidewalks, I witness one of the most shaking moments I’ve ever seen on YouTube.
According to some netizens who commented with the video, they noted that everything happens for a reason and it has purpose for this guy. Maybe it’s not just the right time for him to bid goodbye.
There are some commenters who noted that the video was fake but based upon our research, the incident happened on Thursday, June 26, 2014 at around 2:00 PM Russian Time.
According to Voronezh news report, the crane was owned and operated by developer DSC, it collapsed while working for their underground parking project.
If you believe in miracle, please share the video with your friends.