Richard Gutierrez Writes Open Letter to Son Baby Zion (Transcript)

Hunk actor Richard Gutierrez wrote and open letter to her son with Sarah Lahbati baby Zion as he will celebrate his first father’s day.  Baby Zion was their child whom they previously keep as a secret.

Richard Gutierrez Baby Zion

Baby Zion, who was born in Switzerland, was revealed earlier this month after keeping him for almost a year, during the pilot of episode of their family’s reality show “It Takes GUTZ To Be A Gutierrez” aired on E! Channel.

On the open letter, which was published at, Richard Gutierrez said that he was happy and excited when he learned that he will soon be a father.

According to him, their sacrifices of taking care of him are all worth it and he feels that his life has a bigger purpose the day when he was born.

He explained that they needed to keep him for a while to protect him and not to involve him in the controversies but that time he could not wait to announce their child.

Richard Gutierrez is looking forward to the day when they will soon travel together and explore different places with his mother. He also said that she wishes Zion to be happy and to achieve his dreams in life.

Below is the complete open letter of Richard Gutierrez to baby Zion:

Hi baby Zion!

I’m writing this letter to you and hoping you could read it once you’re able to.
When I first found out about you, I was both nervous and excited. I couldn’t believe that I was going to be a dad already. It was something I had been waiting for all my life, so there was definitely joy. But it was also nerve-wracking, because I didn’t know how to handle things yet. But I knew that whatever it was that I was about to go through, I’d be doing it for you. So I faced it. I came to terms with the fact that I was going to become a dad. I am thankful your mom was there, and that we have a strong relationship. My parents were also there to guide me through. But more than anything, I was looking forward to meeting you. When you started to kick in your mom’s tummy, I was so excited to see what you’d look like and how big you would be.

I have since learned how to change your diapers, make milk, and make you burp in the middle of the night without sleep. It’s all worth it. It seems like life has meaning now. There’s a greater purpose than just me living on this earth by myself. Now I really am caring for someone. Your being here makes me complete.

We had to keep you from the stress of the media for a while, to make sure you and your pregnant mom stayed healthy and relaxed. But I want you to know that we couldn’t wait to announce, celebrate, and show you to the world. You were the cutest baby with the cutest hair, and I wanted people to see you. We simply had to wait for the right time. And now that we finally have, it feels really good. Your mom and I are very happy. Finally we get to brag about our cute little baby and tell the world, “Hey, he’s here!”

When you grow up, your mom and I look forward to taking you on so many adventures. We’ll travel and see the world, and probably go on a motorcycle trip. I want you to see Geneva and the hospital where you were born; all the places around Switzerland that your mom and I saw while you were in her tummy.

We’ll get into different sports and play basketball with your uncles—even though by that time we’ll all probably be old already. We’ll throw pool parties and barbeques.

I wish you happiness and for all your dreams and goals to come true. I just want you to be a good, happy kid.

I promise to protect you at all times, and to be there for you when you grow up. I don’t wish for things to ever get rocky between us, but if ever we have misunderstandings in the future, please try to remember that it’s because I care about you too much and I want the best for you.

Right now I’m just content to enjoy every day and moment with you. I love how you’re the first one up every morning, and how you wake us up with your noises as you try to talk. I love hearing your voice and getting to kiss you ten times. I even love how you now know how to push us off when we’re trying to kiss your face too many times. I love how you’re such a sponge right now, and you’re learning so fast. You’re a smart kid. You get whatever we teach you right away.

I don’t like letters, Zion, so I apologize if this letter sucks. I usually just tell people what I feel. But it’s my first Father’s Day, and I want to say that I’m very proud of you, that I love you, and am looking forward to sharing lots of adventures with you.



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