Teddy Locsin Response To Paolo Guico: “Why Is His Hair So Long?”

Teddy Locsin Response To Paolo Guico After His Criticisms For Duque

TEDDY LOCSIN RESPONSE TO PAOLO – Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) Secretary, Teodoro Locsin Jr gave his response to Ben & Ben’s front-man Paolo Guico.

Recently, one of the most popular musicians in the Philippines used his platform to voice out against Health Secretary Francisco Duque. The health chief has been on the hot seat ever-since the pandemic began due to what lawmakers call his “pattern of failures”.

A month into the coronavirus epidemic, 14 lawmakers called for his resignation due to “failure of leadership, negligence, lack of foresight, and inefficiency in the performance of his mandate”. However, Duque was safeguarded by the President who said there was nobody better for his spot.

Teddy Locsin Response To Paolo Guico: "Why Is His Hair So Long?"
Image from: Push

Similarly, Ben & Ben’s Paolo Guico also called out for Duque’s resignation. On his Twitter account he stated:

“Duque, please resign. Wag mong isisi ang iyong kapalpakan sa mga taong nagbubuwis-buhay para sa bayan. The country badly needs strong leadership in the DOH”.

Paolo’s statement follows Duque’s latest stunt in MalacaƱang where he blamed his subordinates for failing to give cash aid for health workers affected by COVID-19. But, due to harsh criticisms, Duque took back his statements and took responsibility.

But, instead of Duque answering to the call of Guico, it was Teodoro Locsin Jr who took to Twitter and criticized the singer for his hair.

Is this guy someone important? Why is his hair so long? was he locked down longer than the rest of us?

Image may contain: 1 person, eyeglasses, text that says 'Is this guy someone important? Why is his hair so long? Was he locked down longer than the rest of us? TEODORO LOCSIN JR. DFA SECRETARY'
Image from: Iloilo Metropolitan Times

However, afterward a few moments, Teddy Locsin quickly deleted his tweet.

Meanwhile, following the massive outcries against him, the health chief personally went to the homes of the families of the health workers to give the long-awaited cash aid.

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