Youngsters Stoned An Ambulance Carrying Elderly COVID-19 Patients In Spain
AMBULANCE STONED IN SPAIN – The coronavirus pandemic had hit the country of Spain as the death toll surpassed that of China.
As the death toll in the nation grew, blatant discrimination towards the infected spawned. Moreover, authorities have reported another case of discrimination, this time, towards the elderly.
According to a report from ABS-CBN, an ambulance in Spain were stoned by several young kids as part of a protest. The ambulance was carrying 28 elderly COVID-19 patients.

Based on statements from the police, the protest followed after a convoy of ambulances attempted to enter La Linea de Concepcion, a poverty-stricken city.
As per the report, the protesters grabbed stones and launched them towards the ambulances along with shouting insults. Furthermore, they tried to block the path by parking a car smack-center on the road.
According to the police, the elderly patients were en route to an alternative facility in La Linea to get medical treatment. The transfer was due to their care home in Alcala del Valle was “being disinfected”.
Additionally, police stated that around 50 people, the majority of whom were youngsters, stood in protest. As the standoff continued between the cops and the group, a warning came that more protest would come if more infected patients were brought in.
Afterward, the protest continued till the evening. This time, the protesters threw flammable objects from the nearby rooftops.
Despite Spain’s lockdown, the country was still hit hard by COVID-19. Currently, the coronavirus had infected 47,610 individuals in the country.
Meanwhile, the government was in a rush to protect its elderly following several deaths at care homes across Spain. Additionally, the army was sent to conduct a large-scale disinfection operation.
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