Heartbreaking Video Of Mother In ICU After Getting COVID-19 Goes Viral

Mother Shares Heartbreaking Video Of Current State After Getting Coronavirus

HEARTBREAKING VIDEO GOES VIRAL – A mother from the UK shared her condition after being admitted for COVID-19.

The mother tried to start off the video with a message. However, she was interrupted by a heavy cough. You could see she was struggling but at the same time, persevering.

Heartbreaking Video Of Mother In ICU After Getting COVID-19 Goes Viral
Image From: Vimeo

Anyone whose thinking of taking any chances, just take a look at me, I’m in the Intensive Care Unit, I can’t breathe without this (nasal cannula). They’ve had to sew that into my artery.

I’ve got cannula, another cannula and a catheter. I’m actually 10 times better now than what I was before – I don’t even know, I’ve lost count of the days.

If anyone still smokes, put the cigarrettes down, cause I’m telling you now – you need your freaking lungs.

And.. please, non-of you take any chances, I mean it. Because if it gets really bad, you’re gonna end up here.

Thank you for all your lovely messages. I really appreciate it and my body is fighting this.

So once again, don’t take any chances.

The heartbreaking video was shared on Vimeo and has gotten viral over the internet. Here is the complete video:


Currently, COVID-19 has infected more than 275,570 individuals worldwide. Additionally, the virus caused 11,388 fatalities. However, 91,533 have already recovered.

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