Hearing Loss: 10 Possible Things That Can Ruin Your Hearing

Here are the possible causes of hearing loss

HEARING LOSS – These following things can ruin your hearing and some people might know about this yet.

hearing loss
Photo courtesy of Heuser Hearing Intitute

Blood-related conditions

Types 1 and 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol can also affect the hearing, according to the article from The Healthy. “All those hair cells are fed nutrients by tiny little capillaries. If there’s any problem with blood flow, you’re not going to get those hair cells to grow,” Craig A. Kasper, AuD, FAAA, chief audiology officer of New York Hearing Doctors said.

Blow dryers

You are making your ear hear 85 or more decibels of noise when you use a hairdryer. National Institutes of Health, this can put you at risk of losing your hearing. “The more you use [blow dryers] and the longer you use them, the more likely you are to have damage. It might not do immediate damage, but over time it will,” Kit Frank, AuD, a supervisory audiologist with NYU Langone Medical Center explained.

Loud music

Dr. Frank said that earbuds are more dangerous than over-the-ear earphones. “Sticking with volume at or below 60 percent will keep the sound at a safe level,” Dr. Kasper said.


The certain medication that you take could be a cause of hearing loss such as some diuretics for heart disease, chemotherapies, and antibiotics (especially gentamicin, neomycin, and others in the –mycin family) could damage your ears. Dr. Frank said that a high dose of antibiotics can be dangerous.

Over-the-counter pain relievers

Pain relievers such as aspirin and ibuprofen could do damage in high amounts. Hearing loss from these medications is just temporary. However, the side effects, sometimes, become permanent.

High fever

“If you don’t get that oxygen to the nerves, they break down and they don’t work like they should,” Dr. Frank shared. Fever can do damage to your hearing because of inflammation or lack of oxygen.

Power tools

Power tools such as lawnmowers, jackhammers, and drills can give you a headache and this can also affect your hearing. A pair of earmuffs from the hardware store can help you with this problem.

Cooking appliances

“If you’re in the kitchen and cooking and using a blender all day, that’s a problem. If you use it for ten seconds once a week, it probably won’t be a problem for you,” Dr. Frank said.

You commute

The streets are indeed a wide source of the noise. Experiencing the loud noises over time can ruin the hearing. “Covering your ears is a good thing—it’s not silly,” Dr. Frank advised.

Exercise classes

The loud music while exercising can also affect the ears, according to the article. “If you walk out of spin classes and your ears are buzzing, that’s an indication that you may have done damage to your ears,” Dr. Kasper explained.

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