Guide on the Tagalog Numbers (Cardinal & Ordinal)
TAGALOG NUMBERS – Here is a list of the cardinal and ordinal numbers in the Filipino language.
Undeniably, most kids nowadays are more familiar in counting in English language than in the Filipino. In fact, not only the children but even the adults are more comfortable in counting using the universal language.
Most likely, it is why the mother-tongue was ordered to be included in the school curriculum. The Filipino language and each person’s dialect should not lag behind the universal language.
In this article, we will list down the Tagalog numbers covering both cardinal or the counting ones and as well as the ordinal.

The cardinal numbers refers to those digits we use in counting the quantity of things. Here is a list of them and their counterparts in the Filipino language:
- one – isa
- two – dalawa
- three – tatlo
- four – apat
- five – lima
- six – anim
- seven – pito
- eight – walo
- nine – siyam
- ten – sampu
- eleven – labing-isa
- twelve – dose
- thirteen – labintatlo
- fourteen – labing-apat
- fifteen – labinlima
- sixteen – labing-anim
- seventeen – labimpito
- eighteen – labing-walo
- nineteen – labinsiyam
- twenty – dalawampu
The other kinds of numbers is the ordinal number. Digits belonging under it indicate orders and not quantity. Here is a list of their Tagalog numbers:
- first – una
- second – pangalawa
- third – ikatlo
- fourth – pang-apat
- fifth – ikalima
- sixth – pang-anim
- seventh – pampito
- eighth – pangwalo
- ninth – ikasiyam
- tenth – ikasampu
- eleventh – pang-onse
- twelfth – ikalabindalawa
- thirteenth – ikalabintatlo
- fourteenth – panlabing-apat
- fifteenth – pang-labinlima
- sixteenth – panlabing-anim
- seventeenth – ikalabimpito
- eighteenth – ikalabing-walo
- nineteenth – ikalabinsiyam
- twentieth – ikadalawampu