This Politician Starts A Livestream Unknowingly Leaving The Cat Filter On
PAKISTANI – A politician from northwestern Pakistan livestreams his press conference unknowingly leaving the cat filter on giving him cat ears and whiskers.
The biggest social media networking site today, has added more features the last few months. Some of their updates include a feature that allows users to go Live on the Facebook app.
They are also planning to add features in content management to combat the spread of false information.
The Live feature has been used by many popular personalities to reach audiences with free broadcasting. A politician from Pakistan also wanted to use the app to share the moment during his press conference.
However, instead of just going live, he didn’t notice the cat filter being left on during the livestream.
The politician, specifically Regional Minister Shaukat Yousafzai, went viral quickly after his online stream was posted showing him having a conversation with journalists. This happened last Friday after one member from his social media staff unintentionally put the cat filter on during the stream.
Facebook witnesses started commenting on the video after noticing the pink cat ears and whiskers on the minister’s and two other officials’ faces.
Some commenters jokingly said that there is a “Cat in the cabinet” and others literally pointed out:
“Shaukat Yousafzai looks like a cat – Meow meow meow.”
Few minutes later, the video was taken down. It was initially posted on the political party: “Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party” official Facebook page.
Although the video was taken down, some pictures are still left scattering all over social media.
Yousafzai himself confirmed the reported incident and claimed that what happened was accident in a conversation with the AFP.
He confirmed that the cat filter wasn’t put on intentionally in his statement:
“The cat filter was turned on by mistake. Let’s not take everything so seriously.”
This is based on an article from MSN News.
Apparently, Yousafzai wasn’t mad about the incident as he even joked saying:
“I wasn’t the only one – two officials sitting along me were also hit by the cat filter.”
That is all there is to it, at least for now. We’ll post updates as soon as we got them.