WRITING TIPS: 5 Tips To Come Up With An Effective Essay / Article

List of 5 Writing Tips To Make An Excellent Article / Essay

WRITING TIPS – Here is a list of five(5) tips to come up with an effective essay or article about a certain topic.

Undeniably, one of the most common activities in schools and offices is writing. It could be writing an essay, a news article, a letter, etc. depending on the line of work in the case of the latter.

In the case of students, essays, reviews, and reflection papers are among the usual projects. That is why a lot of pupils seek for tips on how to come up with an effective written output.

In this article, we will talk about five(5) writing tips to come up with an effective essay or article about a topic.

Writing Tips
Photo: Midmaine

Based on Oxford Dictionaries, here is a list of five(5) writing tips you may follow for an excellent output:

1. Focus on your purpose

Are you writing to convey information? To influence the reader? To make an unbiased review of a topic? It is important that you know exactly why you are coming up with an essay about something.

After identifying your purpose, stick to it until you finish the output. For example, if your purpose is to influence the reader, keep on raising the good side of the thing but also recognize the possible questions or reactions in their minds.

2. Make a plan

Drafts are really helpful. Make a plan and jot down the things that you plan to include in your essay. Making a plan also saves you from missing the important details.

3. Choose a writing style

Determine the writing style that you will use. You may use expository (for conveying information), persuasive (for writing an opinion), narrative (for telling a story), and descriptive (for telling a story).

4. Recognize the view of the readers

Based on the article, one of the writing tips is to write for the readers and not for yourself. Sort out the information and make sure that you get to include both sides of the topic.

5. Guide readers throughout your writing

It is important that the readers get the message of the essay or the article. That is why there is a need to guide the readers according to the article. Establish connections between paragraphs and use conjunctions.

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