Filipino Artist Paints President Duterte On His Controversial Artwork Goes Viral

Filipino Artist Mideo Cruz Paints President Duterte On His Controversial Artwork

A Filipino artist named Mideo Cruz has painted the face of President Rodrigo Duterte on his controversial artwork, which immediately goes viral online.

President Rodrigo Duterte is one of the most popular and controversial presidents not only in the Philippines but also from different countries all around the world due to his anti-illegal drug campaign amid Extrajudicial Killing (EJK).

Filipino people have divided opinion when it comes to the system and leadership of Mr. Duterte in the country. Most Filipinos were in favor of the president method in eradicating illegal drugs, corruption, and other forms of criminalities.

Filipino Artist


Recently, a Filipino artist identified as Mideo Cruz, one of the staunch supporters of the president has painted him in one of his artworks, which is now circulating in the social media and being criticized by some netizens.

Cruz painted the face of Mr. Duterte on the “Sacred Heart of Jesus” without a heart and holding a gun in his left hand. His artwork draws criticisms and negative feedbacks from the social media users for using the image of Jesus Christ in vain.

Filipino Artist



Mideo did not respond to the criticism of the netizens in the social media after he was accused before the Ombudsman in 2011 for using the image of Jesus Christ on his art exhibit, which was eventually dismissed by the court.

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