New McDonalds Uniforms Were ‘Dystopian’, Says Social Media

The new design of McDonalds uniforms had created a commotion in the online community.

McDONALDS –  New design of the uniform of the famous fast-food restaurant was described by in the internet as ‘dystopian’.

Based on the report of the Inquirer Net, the fashion police on Twitter reacted to the new uniform of the staff of the famous fast-food restaurant.

The Twitter’s fashion police described the black and gray motif to be depressing and similar to the dresses of the dystopian movie ‘Hunger Games’.

However, as mentioned in the report, they called it to be modern and contemporary.

The internet were calling it evil “Star Wars” employees down to the characters of the “Hunger Games” and now the internet has been calling it ‘creepily dystopian”.

The monochromatic look was designed by the two American influential designers of the stars Waraire Boswell and Bindu Rivas.

The company even explained through a written statement that this major move is the company’s another step into commitment to be “America’s best first job and improve the restaurant experience”.

Jez Langhorn, the McDonalds’ senior director of human resources, even added that, “Our new collections focus on comfort, fit, functionality and contemporary professionalism, delivering a uniform that crew and managers will feel comfortable to work in and proud to wear.”

The fast-food giant even said that the new attire will give the employees a makeover on the look because of the contemporary grey modern uniforms.

Boswell, the designer even said, as seen on the report of the Independent, “As a former McDonald’s crew member myself, I understand the design and functionality needs of the next generation of McDonald’s uniforms, and I was personally inspired to design a look and feel that gives restaurant employees a greater level of confidence.”

Nevertheless,based on the report, 70 percent of their staff and employees said that they liked the new uniform which provided with a touch of modern.

Despite the strong disagreement of the people in the online community regarding the matter, 850,000 employees in its 14,000 different chains of the fast-food restaurant will be seen wearing it across the America to happen this month.

Photo lifted from the Inquirer Net

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