Ruffa Gutierrez Apologizes To Annabelle Rama Due To This

Ruffa Gutierrez shared this information about her mother

Actress Ruffa Gutierrez apologized to her mother Annabelle Rama and here’s the reason behind this.

Ruffa is known for her closeness to Annabelle but just like any other mother-and-daughter relationship, they also have ups and downs. However, one thing is for sure, they are both very supportive of each other.

In a recent endorsement project of Ruffa, Annabelle attended the press conference. Abante entertainment writer Jun Lalin shared that Annabelle said that she missed going to Ruffa’s events.

ruffa gutierrez
📷: @iloveruffag / Instagram

During the press conference, Ruffa Gutierrez mentioned that her daughter Lorin and Venice are very well-behaved. At their age right now, the two young ladies haven’t experienced being in a romantic relationship.

However, when Ruffa was that age, she already had a boyfriend and this was the reason why she and her mother would always have fights. In that press conference, the actress apologized to her mother for giving her so much headache during her younger years.

Now, Ruffa is stricter in dealing with her two daughters but Annabelle is a spoiler grandmother. The actress shared that she would sometimes get shocked with the things that her mother would give to Venice and Lorin.

ruffa gutierrez annabelle rama
📷: The Philippine Star

Meanwhile, Ruffa Gutierrez shared that her ex-husband Yilmaz Bektas wanted to propose and get married to her once again. The actress said that she thought that the father of her daughters was just fooling around, but apparently, he was serious.

She is now in a relationship with actor-politician Herbert Bautista. The couple decided to have a low-key relationship. At times, Herbert is spotted in Ruffa’s family events. Ruffa’s daughters are also supportive of her love life. In 2024, after she officially announced her relationship with Herbert, her mom’s reaction was quite surprised that she made it public.

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