Industrialized Nations Blamed By President Duterte For Typhoon Yolanda And Belittles US Aid
President Rodrigo Duterte belittles US aid and blames industrialized nations for the typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan), causes by climate-warming emissions.
On Monday (October 17, 2016), On Duterte’s interview with Al Jazeera, he confirmed the potential cease if defense treaties with US militaries because he can’t rely on them. The interviewer Wayne Hay mentioned that the US sent financial aid to the Philippines during the Yolanda.
But the Philippine president belittles the international aid and said that the calamity was a product of global warming phenomenon from the carbon emissions of industrialized countries. The super typhoon Yolanda took the lives of more than 7, 000 people in the central island.

“Haiyan is just a creation of climate change, which the industrial countries also created,” Duterte said. Rodrigo blames changing climate patterns caused by industrial countries but the Philippines can’t be blamed for climate change because it generates only a small amount of carbon footprint.
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