Hardworking Dad Sells Banana Chips to Support Children’s Education

Hardworking Dad Earns Praise from Netizens for Selling Banana Chips to Support Children’s Education

A hardworking dad from Barangay Rizal in the city of Silay is selling banana chips to support his children’s education.

A father’s sacrifice is his selfless actions and choices to put his family’s future, well-being, and happiness ahead of his comforts and wants. These sacrifices can take many forms, each representing the particular situation and difficulties the family is experiencing.

One of the most common sacrifices a father makes is in the realm of finances. He may work long hours, take on multiple jobs, or pursue better opportunities to provide for his family’s needs.

Hardworking Dad

Fathers often prioritize expenses such as education, healthcare, and daily essentials, sometimes sacrificing personal wants and luxuries to ensure that their loved ones have what they need.

In Silay City, Negros Occidental, a 54-year-old father Alfonso Soncio has been selling and weighing banana chips together with his wife for the past 10 years, as well as managing their business while ensuring that their six children continue their schooling.

Although they sell in Silay, they prepare and cook their products in Bacolod, where they have garnered a strong customer base known for their warm welcome to visitors.

Hardworking Dad

The income from Tatay Alfonso’s banana chip sales is dedicated to supporting his children through Senior High School and College.

Tatay Alfonso is determined to see his children through their education despite the challenges they face in their livelihood, sparing them from the hardships he endured.

Due to his children’s perseverance and determination, some have earned scholarships, greatly easing the financial burden and allowing them to pursue their studies without added worries.

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Tatay Alfonso’s son, Agot, accompanies him in selling when he has no classes, witnessing firsthand the dedication and sacrifices required to support the family.

The hardworking man portrays a responsible and loving father, dedicated to supporting and nurturing his family.

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