“Hindi na Standee,” Leila de Lima to Enjoy Homecoming After Missing 6 Christmas Celebrations

Leila de Lima to Experience Joyful Christmas Homecoming After Six Cardboard Celebrations

Former Justice Secretary Leila de Lima is set to enjoy her homecoming after six cardboard Christmas celebrations.

After enduring six Christmases with only a cardboard standee as a substitute for her physical presence, former senator Leila de Lima is finally returning home to her family in San Agustin, Iriga City.

For the past six Christmas celebrations, the de Lima family had to make do with a cardboard cutout of Leila as a way to include her in the holiday celebration.

Leila de Lima

However, this year marks a significant change as Leila de Lima is set to spend Christmas with her family in person. For them, this is the happiest Christmas, as they will be reunited after years of being physically apart.

The idea of their beloved family member coming home is surely the reason for joy and celebration.

Luc Vero, the European Union’s ambassador to the Philippines was also pleased after learning De Lima’s possible release.

Leila de Lima

The 64-year-old personality gets emotional and cries tears of joy upon learning of the court’s decision. She even asked God to forgive and bless the former President for fabricating charges against her.

Way back in 2017, the former lawmaker was arrested for a drug-related case. She was acquitted of two other charges but remains on trial for one drug-related case. She was accused of receiving drug-related money to fund her 2016 senatorial bid.

De Lima who is known for her vocal opposition against former President Rodrigo Duterte’s war on drugs denied the accusations against her. She campaigned her through handwritten letters expressing her concern about human rights.

Earlier, the court allows Leila de Lima’s former lover Ronnie Dayan to post bail

The social media users expressed their reactions to De Lima’s upcoming homecoming:

Leila de Lima

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