Israel-Palestine Conflict — The Innocent Ones Face Double Loss

Israel-Palestine Conflict Continues to Cost Lives

A lot of civilians are losing their lives in the most painful ways possible amid the conflict between Israel and Palestine.

The ongoing war between the Israelis and the Palestines are dropping down the population of both races. The conflict between them dates back to the end of the 19th century in 1947 following the creation of the State of Israel.

Israel-Palestine Conflict
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Israel won the conflict but 750,000 were displaced. The territory was divided among the State of Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza strip. It’s been decades since the war but the heat is still on.

Unfortunetaly, another war is currently ongoing between Israel and Palestine. A recent unforeseen attack of the Hamas, a militant Islamist group that controlled Gaza, stormed the cities of Israel. It led to the loss of countless lives including those of the civilians across ages — poor young boys and girls are among the innocent victims.

Israel was caught by surprise and the country also abruptly launched a retaliatory operation. While this move means the loss of more lives, I believe it is a genuine move of a mad country that wants to protect its people.

The Israeli government has formally announced war against the Hamas. It is now in the operation of a “complete siege” of Gaza.

I believe there are a lot of covered facts over the conflict between Israel and Palestine. The complex situation is not something that one mind can fully understand most especially the people who are living outside of these countries. However, whether it is the Israeli or the Palestines who is on a higher ground about what is right, my heart goes out for the innocent ones who are losing their lives.

The civilians are at a double loss in the situation. They are losing their loved ones, their lives, and the future they supposedly looked forward to in the most painful ways. They have no control over the circumstance and they were not even prepared on when death knocks amid the heated tension that is still ongoing.

Whether it is the Israeli or the Palestinians that will overpower the other, both are losing in the war. It will take years and years for recovery and there is no turning back for the lives lost in the midst of the conflict.

It is heart-wrenching that amid the tension, a lot of people are left not only in shock and fear but also in grief that they might not see tomorrow with their loved ones again.

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Disclaimer: The content of the article posted above is an opinion of the writer. Also, the citations provided are based on the information deemed as facts by the different legit sources that contribute to the basis of the making of the whole viewpoint. The writer does not, in any form, intend to create inaccurate understanding of the topic or influence the readers instead, express one’s viewpoint in a formal manner.

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