Rodrigo Duterte Supporters Spamming ICC Judge’s Socmed May Affect His Case

What the supporters of Rodrigo Duterte do may have an impact on his case.

Detained former President Rodrigo Duterte may face more difficulties if his supporters continue to spam the socmed of the ICC judge.

The arrest of former President Rodrigo Duterte and his transfer to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague have created a historic step. His arrest was associated with EJK during the time of the war on drugs under his presidency.

Rodrigo Duterte

The arrest warrant of Duterte contained allegations about extrajudicial killings occurring between 2011 and 2019. The violence was widespread and prompted the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) Office of the Prosecutor to start a preliminary examination into the situation, which led the former president to withdraw membership of the country from the founding treaty, the Rome Statute.

In a previous article, Leila De Lima reacted to the arrest of Duterte, and according to her, the arrest was proper. She cited a Supreme Court ruling regarding the jurisdiction of the ICC over the country on crimes that were committed while it was still a member of the international tribunal. To recall, the country officially withdrew in 2019.

Leni Robredo also reacted to the arrest and she compared the situation of Duterte and the situation of De Lima during her incarceration and cited the differences.

The next hearing for the confirmation of charges will be in September, and while waiting for this, people continue to find ways for Duterte’s release. Some of his supporters even spammed the social media pages of ICC Pre-Trial Chamber-I Presiding Judge Iulia Motoc. They were appealing for his release.

ICC Assistant to Counsel Kristina Conti expressed on Sunday that such doings may backfire on the former leader and negatively impact his case. There is accordingly a fifth case being tried in the ICC and warned that those who attack the courts, prosecutors, and/or judges should be careful as this might be added to the cases of Duterte.

Meanwhile, Duterte is detained at the ICC detention facility in Scheveningen in the Netherlands.

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