Sharon Cuneta Expresses Sadness Over Death Of Her Oldest Pet Dog

In a new post, Sharon Cuneta shares another heartbreak.

Megastar Sharon Cuneta sadly shared another heartbreak caused by her pet, as her oldest pet dog just passed away.

Having a pet can have a significant impact on our mental and physical health. Pets can make us feel loved and valued, and they make this world a better place to live in, but not until their death. Their death is the only time they will ever hurt us, but knowing that they are running freely across the rainbow bridge is something that delivers relief to the pain of loss.

Previously, Megastar Sharon Cuneta mourned the loss of their beloved farm mascot and pet pig, Bacon. Recently, she mourned another loss of a fur baby again as their senior pet dog, Grandpa, who belonged to her oldest daughter, KC Concepcion, died.

In a new Instagram post, Cuneta shared a video of Grandpa deeply breathing, which was the same video she sent to KC as an update. In the background, the Megastar was heard saying loving words to him.

“Say hi mama KC, it’s Grandpa. I just came from the hospital today. Mama asked for me to brought home na because they were asking if they wanted to make me fall asleep na. I cannot see na, mama KC,” Cuneta said adding that the dog has been suffering from cataracts for a long time now.

He had an operation on his gall bladder and stopped eating. He was being fed through a tube. According to the caption, Grandpa lived for around 16 to 17 years, and last week, he was brought to the hospital. The Megastar wrote, “It always feels like a member of your family passes when a beloved dog does – because they are part of your family.”

In the comments, KC reacted and expressed her gratitude to her mother, who helped her give Grandpa a better life. She had him at a time when she was so busy and did not have the help she needed to raise him.

She added, “Churro and Chica enjoyed playing with you and will love you forever sweet, wise, strong champion boy.”

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