Modal Verbs & When They Are Used in a Sentence | A Guide in English

List of Modal Verbs in English & Sample Sentences

MODAL VERBS – Here is a guide on the examples of this type of verb in learning English and when they are used in a sentence.

English is undeniably one of the most complicated subjects to learn. Meanwhile, it is also a fun field of learning. Did you notice that “cough” does not sound like “though” but it is similar with “rough”? This is just one example to show how exciting learning English can be.


English is one of the subjects that is taught from Kindergarten to English as it holds a wide variety of topics. For example, one of the most popular topics is the 8 parts of speech which includes the following:

  • Noun
  • Pronoun
  • Verb
  • Adjective
  • Adverb
  • Preposition
  • Conjunction
  • Interjection
Modal Verbs

Each of the aforementioned parts of speech has their own sub-topics. For example, aside from the meaning of each of the parts of speech, they have their own types or kinds. Let us talk about the Modal Verbs which is a type of verb.

The Modal Verbs are verbs that show the possibility, the ability, the necessity, or the intent of performing the action which can be in a present tense. Here are the most popular examples under this verb type:

  • Can
  • Could
  • Might
  • Shall
  • May
  • Should
  • Must
  • Will

While they can be easily interchanged in a sentence, it is important to know when each of them is designated to be used. There is actually a clear distinction among the modal verbs and their uses. Here’s a guide:

The modal verb can is used to indicate an ability, a request, or a permission. Here are the sample sentences:

  • I can dance while singing in front of the crow.
  • Can you please open the door?

The modal verb could is used to denote a past ability, a suggestion, or a future possibility. Here are the sample sentences:

  • You could fetch her first before buying the groceries so you won’t have to rush.
  • Could you call Anthony tomorrow to tell him about the meeting?

May is used in showing or asking permission, uncertainty, and a future possibility. Here are the sample sentences:

  • She may come to the party depending on the weather tonight.
  • May I bring these plates to the table now?

This modal verb is used to show or ask permission, make a polite request, or indicate a future possibility. Here are the sample sentences:

  • Ronald might arrive early tomorrow so you can still visit the beach.
  • You might like to visit all our relatives in this city.

Shall is used in offering an advice or suggestion or making a question. Here are the sample sentences:

  • Shall we go now?
  • I shall tell him what to do to the project to make it to the deadline.

This modal verb is usually interchanged with shall but this one expresses more strength when it comes to the intensity of giving an advice, making a suggestion, or ordering. Here are the sample sentences:

  • You should never panic during an emergency to lessen the problem.
  • Dave should finish the project tonight to avoid penalties.

The modal verb must is used to indicate an obligation, a necessity, or a future possibility. Here are the sample sentences:

  • I must visit the doctor early tomorrow to avoid the long lines.
  • Drake and Cindy must finish the beach plans before summer is over.

This example of modal verb is used indicate future willingness or make an offer, request, or promise. Here are the sample sentences:

  • Rio said he will go to the party of Kiel after his class later.
  • Will you find me a date for the ball?

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