Young Nursing Student Saves Neighbor’s Life After Swing Accident

Young Nursing Student Earns Praise for Saving Neighbor’s Life

A young nursing student has been praised for saving a seven-year-old boy who accidentally got strangled by a makeshift swing.

First aid refers to the initial help or treatment given to someone who is injured or suddenly becomes ill. It’s often provided before professional medical help arrives or while waiting for more advanced treatment It ensures the person’s safety and prevents the situation from getting worse.

First aid can include a variety of actions, such as CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation), choking relief, splinting, wound care, burn treatment, and other medical procedures. It is important for everyone, as it can help you respond effectively to emergencies and potentially save lives.

Young Nursing Student

In Bukidnon, a nursing student earns admiration from netizens for her quick thinking and bravery after saving a seven-year-old boy who accidentally got strangled by a swing. The incident happened when the boy was playing with the swing inside his house.

Julla Angela Daculiat, a nursing student from Bukidnon State University, was the boy’s neighbor and quickly rushed to help when she heard about the accident. The boy had become tangled in the rope of the swing, and it was causing him to struggle for breath.

Without hesitation, Daculiat began performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on the unconscious boy. Even though she was understandably frightened, she focused on her training and continued to work to revive him.

Her calm and efficient actions were important in this emergency. After about seven minutes of performing CPR, the boy started to regain consciousness. He was then taken to the hospital where he is now recovering.

Daculiat’s immediate response helped save the child’s life, and both the boy’s parents and the community are very grateful for her help.

The story shows the importance of first aid training and how quick actions can make a big difference in emergencies. Angela’s bravery and training are commendable, and her actions are a reminder of the valuable skills that nursing students and professionals bring to their communities.

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Young Nursing Student

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