Alexa Gutierrez: Members Of Gutierrez Family Express Their Sadness

These are the posts of the members of the Gutierrez family as they mourn the death of Alexa Gutierrez.

The Gutierrez clan and other celebrities mourn the death of Alexa Gutierrez, the late wife of Elvis Gutierrez.

Elvis Gutierrez’s wife, Alexa Gutierrez passed away at the age of 38 last Saturday, July 27. His sister Ruffa Gutierrez confirmed this in a post with a short caption as the pain disabled her to write something longer.

She was battling with leukemia. It was a short battle with the cancer of the blood but it was full of courage and determination to live. Unfortunately, no matter how strong someone’s mindset is to get through something hard, if the body gives up first, there’s nothing one can do.

They might have access to all the treatment available but this type of cancer has no cure. Perhaps, from the start, it was already a losing battle. Painful and still early for her to go at the age of 38 but this is a reality her family must face including her two children.

The Gutierrez family are grieving.

In a painful post, Ruffa Guttierez announced her sister-in-law’s death. It was hard for her to process that she already went away. She could not find her words to describe the pain of losing someone this important to them.

“I love you so much my beautiful, irreplaceable Alexa. You will forever be in my thoughts and in my heart. Until we cross paths again…” she said.

Mond Gutierrez was also close to her and in a post, he expressed that she will forever remain in their hearts.

As for Elvis who is definitely going through so much after losing the woman he’s been with for many years, he shared a photo of his wife from the time she first learned driving.

“I miss you so much,” he wrote and these five words from him to his wife felt so much. Losing a wife is a different kind of pain.

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