Senior High School Valedictorian Confesses Admiration for Crush on Graduation Speech

Senior High School Valedictorian Brings Kilig to Fellow Graduates

SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL VALEDICTORIAN – National Teachers College student Eds Karol Gatbonton confessed his admiration to his crush on his graduation speech.

This month is a season of graduation and recognition rites in the Philippines. Countless students have reaped or will be reaping the fruits of their labor for several years to finish their studies. It is also a time that parents will get to see the fruits of their hardwork to send their children to school.


Graduation and recognition rites are among the events that gather a lot of people. Most often, the program includes the giving of certificates to the graduates on stage, the awarding of the special awardees and the graduates who are finishing their studies with flying colors, and the giving of speeches.

Most often, a guest speaker is invited to give an inspiring speech to the graduates. The highest awardee of the batch is also often tasked to make and deliver a special message to the graduates.

Senior High School Valedictorian
Photo lifted from Pep (Main Source: Facebook)

Recently, a senior high school valedictorian went viral on social media. It was after he confessed his admiration to his crush through his graduation speech.

The main trending video is seemingly now deleted online after it gathered different reactions from the netizens. Meanwhile, several individuals and Facebook pages have posted a clip showing the Senior High School Valedictorian confessing to his crush.

The said valedictorian is Eds Karol Gatbonton, a student of National Teachers College. He took Information and Communications Technology Strand. He exhibited remarkable student leadership, academic performance, and extracurricular activities engagement.

Eds, based on an article on Pep, received eight awards such as the following:

  • with highest honors
  • domain proficient in arts, Mathematics, Social Sciences, and Tech Voc.
  • leadership award
  • loyalty award
  • principal’s list award
  • most outstanding student award
  • president’s list awardee
  • Gawad Sibol – finalist

After the awarding of the Gawad Sibol recipients, Eds Karol Gatbonton gave his speech as the valedictorian. He started by greeting the guests who attended their graduation rites. He also talked about resiliency.

In his graduation speech, the senior high school valedictorian revealed his learning that it takes a journey to learn about resilience. He also shared that his grandfather, mother, and uncle are also graduates of the same school. Like them, he also encountered challenges but, like them, he chose to rise and be stronger and better.

Before ending his speech, the senior high school valedictorian brought kilig at the graduation venue when he confessed his admiration to his crush.

“Kidding aside, according to Jimenez 2024, it was someone really special to me and someone that I look up to for the past year and since graduation na ngayon, I would like to confess my love for her. To my potassium, my vitamin K, from HUMSS 2, Ms. Kaye [full name]. Hi! Congrats, Kaye! Teka, nag-ba-blush ako, e! Ah, basta! Crush kita!”

Eds went further by telling Kaye that he has always admired her from afar. Based on the article, he expressed his gratitude to her for motivating her to be the best version of himself.

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