Lady Online Seller Airs Frustration After Catching Husband w/ Another Woman
INFIDELITY – A lady online seller catches her beloved husband having an intimate moment with another woman.
Recently, Shaica Mariz Robles, a Facebook user, shared a shocking story about her husband’s infidelity. The online seller shared how she caught her husband with another woman, using a location-tracking app called “Life360”.
The post immediately spread like wildfire on social media and garnered various reactions from the online community.

Robles explained that she used the app to find her husband’s location. When she saw where he was, she quickly went there. To her dismay, she found her husband with another woman in a compromising position.
In her Facebook post, Robles described the painful incident. She mentioned that she couldn’t share the video publicly due to legal advice, as she’s preparing to file cases, including an annulment.
The female entrepreneur expressed her deep pain, saying no words could describe the pain of seeing her husband in such a situation with her own eyes. She also asked for help identifying the woman.
The woman described her husband’s mistress as slim with a tattoo on her side. Robles said she wants to talk to this woman and personally “give” her husband to her.
The latter warned other men who might be tempted to cheat. She expressed her anger and disappointment, saying many men stray from the right path because of temptation.

Robles mentioned she has three children who are unaware of what’s happening. She’s seeking strength to face this difficult situation for their sake. Eventually, the lady online seller offered a huge reward to anyone who could identify the woman involved with her husband.
In another post, an online seller frustrated after delivery rider allegedly steals her bales

The social media users expressed their reactions to the post: