Luis Manzano On Friendship With Alex Gonzaga

This is how Luis Manzano described his friendship with Alex Gonzaga.

Celebrities Luis Manzano and Alex Gonzaga have a friendship full of fun and humor and if he is to describe it, this is what he said.

Luis Manzano and Alex Gonzaga‘s friendship is surely something we all love and something some of us admire to have. They have the same humor the reason why they go so well when it comes to funny and witty banters.

We are used to their “bardagulan” online but all know that their friendship is much deeper than this.

They may show us their funny antics and everything but the likeliness of personality is one of the reasons why they go so well together. Behind the hardcore jokes they throw to each other, they are each other’s trusted people in this planet. For Alex, she might not have a brother but with having Luis, she got to experience how it was like to have one.

Their friendship is now more than a decade and it started long before Alex started her career in this industry. They are completely comfortable with each other and this kind of closeness have actually earned them some endorsements together.

In the recent video of Luis, he described their friendship. According to him, they are the first people to look out for each other. They are the ones who would always be the first one to reach out whenever something happens. They are always the first ones to ask to make sure that everything is okay.

He said on his video, “Si ‘Ate’ ang tawag ko diyan. Alam niyo ganun-ganun lang kami ni Ate mag-asaran lahat-lahat pero one thing is for sure, we always look out for each other.”

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