Twin Sisters Marry Twin Brothers; Their Sons Are Genetically Brothers, too

Twin Sisters & Brothers Married Each Other & Live under the Same Roof

TWIN SISTERS – Brittany and Briana Deane married identical twin brothers Josh and Jeremy Salyers making their sons genetically brothers.

In most cases, pregnant mothers deliver only one (1) baby. There are rare cases of twins, triplets, and quadruplets happening and these cases usually happen with genetics playing a role. However, what is even more rare is two (2) sets of twins marrying each other and living under the same roof.

Twin Sisters and Brothers and their Sons
Photo: Instagram/@salyerstwins

Meanwhile, no matter how rare, the aforementioned situation can happen. In Virginia, two (2) sets of twins are living together under the same roof after their marriage. Based on an article on Pep, Brittany and Briana Deane ended up with Josh and Jeremy Salyers.

Twin sisters Brittany and Briana met twin brothers Josh and Jeremy at the Twins Day Festival in Twinsburg, Ohio. It is held every first weekend of August and it gathers biological twins, triplets, quadruplets, etc.

Twins Brittany and Briana Deane and twins Josh at Jeremy Salyers
Photo: Instagram/@salyerstwins

The meeting of Brittany and Briana and Josh and Jeremy led to friendships that further led to romantic relationships. A romantic relationship blossomed between Briana and Jeremy and between Josh and Brittany.

Based on the article, after a year since the twin sisters met the twin brothers at the Twins Day Festival in Twinsburg, Ohio, the couples officially tied the knot on the same day. The couples are now living under the same roof in Bedford County in Virginia.

Twin Sisters, Twin Brothers
Photo: Instagram/@salyerstwins

Now, both the twin sisters and the twin brothers are mothers and fathers to their sons. Josh and Brittany have a son named Jett while Jeremy and Briana also have a son they named Jax.

Jett is five (5) months older than Jax. Although they are technically cousins, based on the article, due to their unique situation, the two (2) sons of the couples are also brothers.

The case of Jax and Jett is called quarternary twins as two (2) sets of parents share the same DNA. Currently, the couples and their sons continue to live under the same roof.

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