Maxene Magalona Reveals Her Stand About Divorce In PH

This is the stand of Maxene Magalona regarding this matter.

Actress Maxene Magalona shares her opinion about the controversial divorce in the Philippines and why she’s pro-divorce.

There should be an easy out if there’s an easy way in. This is simply put when in talks about divorce which, as of now, is not legal yet in the Philippines. The House of Representatives on Wednesday approved on the third and final reading the bill about reinstituting absolute divorce in the country.

In social media, actress Maxene Magalona reveals her stand about this emphasizing the significant results of this to one’s mental health. The actress is a mental health advocate and in light of the Mental Health Awareness month, she stressed what walking away from toxic relationships and traumatic marriages can do to a person’s journey to healing.

Divorce is a legal process of terminating a marriage and this definition actually umbrellas a broader detail about this subject.

Albay Rep. Edcel Lagman, author of the bill, said that legalizing divorce may give individuals trapped in “unhappy and irreparable marriages” an option to get out. The bill stated the grounds for absolute divorce which are psychological incapacity, irreconcilable differences, domestic or marital abuse, when one of the spouses undergoes a reassignment surgery or transitions from one preference to another, and separation for at least five years.

While people believed that marriage is sacred, to some couples, marriage became their means to project their unhealed wounds to each other thereby turning scared into a “toxic and traumatic bond”.

Divorce is actually just an option for people to get out of a union that is just becoming a burden to them and make their emotions get heavier each day. It should not make people feel like it’s required to do it once they get married. It’s just a “way out” if everything turned out bad.

“What’s worse is that they think that having kids will solve everything. When the kids come, the problems are still there and they end up fighting in front of the children which leaves them traumatized and mentally damaged,” she added.

Maxene also expressed that divorce can actually help save the sanctity of marriage and that is by dissolving toxic marriages and keeping sacred relationships intact.

Towards the end of her post, she added, “We deserve divorce.”

See the post below:

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