Cum Laude Student Died before Graduation, Mother Attends Processional w/ his Picture

Cum laude Student Died Few Days Prior to his College Graduation

Cum laude student Michael Alcoseba died before his college graduation and his mother had to be the one to attend the event.

One of the most-fulfilling situations that can happen to a parent who toiled in rearing his/her child to finish school is witnessing him/her at the graduation day. However, in the case of the family of a student at Lapu-Lapu City College, they are proud of their loved one but it is painful that he did not make it to the grand day.

Cum laude student
Photo lifted from Facebook/Juliet Hiyas

Michael “Kikel” Alcoseba died of pneumonia a few days before their college graduation. The 23-year-old graduate of Lapu-Lapu City College was supposed to finish as a cum laude student.

Instead of Kikil, it was his mother and his grandmother who went up the stage to receive his medal and certificate. They brought along with them on stage his graduation picture. His mother was emotional on stage.

Alcoseba Family
Photo lifted from Facebook/Juliet Hiyas

Kikel Alcoseba’s mother walked the processional alone carrying his picture. In a social media post, the sister of the cum laude student, Juliet Hiyas, who was supposed to graduate expressed her sadness over his death while she remains very proud of what she has achieved.

In a social media post, Juliet stated that Kikel’s teachers and classmates were vocal that he has contributed a lot to their school. His batchmates were also in standing ovation when his name was called and his mother went up the stage carring his picture.

Cum laude student
Photo lifted from Facebook/Juliet Hiyas

The family of the cum laude student is in pain receiving his medal and certificate. She stressed that her brother really worked hard and persevered to finish his studies. However, he is no longer present to receive what he has worked hard for.

It also pained Kikel’s sister to watch the other graduates wearing their togas and with their families while she and her mother were only carrying his graduation photo. She expressed her questions over the death of her brother as there are lots of opportunities for him. Here’s the viral post:

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