Fake Panda in China Zoo? Chow Chow Dogs Dyed with Black & White

Fake Panda in China Zoo Gained Different Reactions from Zoogoers

FAKE PANDA IN CHINA ZOO – Some zoogoers in a new zoo in China were disappointed over the move to dye the Chow Chow dogs to look like pandas.

A lot of people love to visit zoos. When going into a certain city or country, zoos are among the tourist destinations. Many parents love to tour their kids in zoos so they can see different creatures. However, in China, those who wish to visit a particular zoo may be surprised — there are pandas that are actually not pandas.

Screengrabbed from New York Post video

The Taizhou Zoo in Jiangsu Province featured what other people termed as fake panda in China zoo — the staffers dyed the Chow Chow dogs which has similar built with baby pandas. They were painted black and white thus they look like real pandas.

Fake Panda in China Zoo
Screengrabbed from New York Post video

However, as per an article in New York Post, some zoogoers noticed that the pandas walked faster. Others find the dogs cute while others believe that dogs must have not been dyed.

Panda Dog
Screengrabbed from New York Post video

The fur of chow chows which were dyed to become fake panda in a China zoo were trimmed and dyed with black and white to look like the bamboo-eating bear. They are placed in an enclosure from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. to be an attraction to zoogoers.

The zoo’s representative explained that there are no panda bears at the zoo so they dyed the chow chow dogs instead. The representative also explained that people also dye their hair and “natural dye can be used in dogs if they have long fur”.

This is not the first time that some fake panda bears were spotted in a China zoo. In 2014, another zoo also painted dogs with black and white to look like pandas. While other zoo visitors find the dogs in black and white cute, some zoogoers find it like they were cheated by the zoo as what they take a picture on aren’t real pandas.

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