Delivery Riders & Courier Service Drivers to Stage Nationwide Strike on Labor Day

Delivery Riders & Courier Service Drivers to Initiate Nationwide Strike on Labor Day Over Commission Rates and Lack of Protection

Delivery riders and courier service drivers were set to initiate a nationwide strike on Labor Day over commission rates and lack of protection.

Filipino delivery riders and drivers of courier services will conduct a nationwide booking strike in protest against the hefty commissions deducted from their earnings and the absence of job protection measures on May 1, 2024 (Labor Day).

According to the Coalition of Couriers and Shippers Services Inc. and president of the Lalamove Drivers Association Mhon Pantoja, around 50,000 individuals are expected to join in this demonstration.

Delivery Riders

The employees will voice their grievances against the huge percentage of their earnings taken by courier apps and the lack of job security.

Pantoja emphasized the extreme working conditions endured by delivery riders, including prolonged hours under the scorching sun, which often fail to result in sufficient earnings.

During a press conference held at UP Diliman, Pantoja announced the unified action, stating that the strike would encompass various regions nationwide, including the National Capital Region, Pampanga, Calabarzon, Davao, and Cebu.

Delivery Riders

Among their sentiments is the demand for a reduction in the 10% commission imposed by delivery apps, as the soaring costs of vehicle maintenance leave little profit for the drivers.

Moreover, they lament the lack of protection, including insurance coverage, which exposes them to various risks while on duty.

While the Department of Labor and Employment issued regulations in 2021 mandating benefits such as overtime pay and protection for employees of delivery services, independent contractors, such as delivery riders, fall outside the scope of the Labor Code’s provisions due to the absence of a recognized employer-employee relationship with the app companies.

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The coalition members will participate in protest actions on Labor Day, marching towards Mendiola in Manila to voice out their demands.

The labor actions for Labor Day coincide with the transportation strike initiated by the group PISTON, pointing out the struggle of workers across different sectors for fair treatment and improved working conditions.

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