Check Here the GSIS Disability Claim 2024 Application Process
GSIS DISABILITY CLAIM 2024 – Detailed in this article are the features and the requirements in filing for the Disability Benefit to the Government Service Insurance System.
Some government agencies in the Philippines are in the service of the Filipino people for decades now. One of them is the Government Service Insurance System or more popularly called GSIS which has several branches across the nation.

The GSIS, a state-run social insurance giant, has millions of members in the Philippines. There are even former government employees who are working abroad now but maintain their GSIS membership. To keep it updated, a member must regularly post contributions.

An updated account to the Government Service Insurance System may qualify members to the GSIS benefits. One of these is the GSIS Disability Claim which was designed to be a safety net for qualified members in the event of disability such as the the loss of any of the following:
- any finger
- one arm
- one foot
- any toe
- one hand
- one leg
- one or both ears
- hearing of one or both ears
- sight of one eye
- complete loss of sight for both eyes
- loss of two limbs at or above the ankle or wrists;
- permanent complete paralysis of two limbs
- brain injury resulting in incurable imbecility or insanity
There are a few GSIS Disability Claim eligibility requirements for application. To qualify, the member must meet the following qualifications:
- in the service at the time of disability;
- has paid at least 180 months contributions prior to the disability
- if the member is separated from service, he/she must have posted at least 36 monthly contributions within the five year period preceding the filing of the claim.
To file for a clam, there are also documents that a member must prepare and submit to the state-run social insurance agency. For in-person applications, here are the GSIS Unemployment Claim requirements:
- duly-accomplished Disability Claim Application Form
- original and duplicate copy of Report of Injury/Sickness
- duly-accomplished Form for Income Benefit Claim for Payment, Parts I and II; (1 copy, original)
- duly-accomplished Form for Hospitalization Claim for Payment, Parts I, II and III (1 copy, original)
In case you want to file your claim via email, you must prepare the following documents and save them as photos as JPEG or PDF File. Each file must not exceed 4 MB.
- duly-accomplished Disability Claim Application Form
- original and duplicate copy of Report of Injury/Sickness
- duly-accomplished Form for Income Benefit Claim for Payment, Parts I and II; (1 copy, original)
- duly-accomplished Form for Hospitalization Claim for Payment, Parts I, II and III (1 copy, original)
- clear photo of the claimant holding the duly accomplished application form and his/her UMID card
Email your documents to your GSIS handling branch with the subject on its format “GSIS_TYPE OF CLAIM_BP NO_LAST NAME_FIRST NAME_AGENCY NAME”.
Here is a guide on the options with regards to filing your GSIS Disability Claim:
In-Person Filing of Claim at GSIS Branch
Go to a branch of GSIS nearest to you and submit all your requirements for the GSIS Unemployment Benefit 2023 application.
- Step 1 — Find a GWAPS KIOSK nearest to you
- Step 2 — Place your UMID and thumb mark on the GWAPS kiosk.
- Step 3 — Choose the benefit you wish to file a claim for and follow the instructions to complete the filing of claim.
- Step 1 — Fill out the application form and prepare your documentary requirements in JPEG or PDF files.
- Step 2 — Email your files to your designated email address with the subject containing the following information:
- TYPE OF GSIS BENEFIT (underscore) BP NUMBER (underscore) LASTNAME (underscore) FIRSTNAME (underscore) AGENCYNAME
- Step 3 — Wait for the following:
- Email aAcknowledgement from GSIS
- Tentative Loan Computation and Loan Conformity
- Notification of incomplete and/or non-compliant documents (if applicable)
- Step 1 — Log in to your GSIS account.
- Step 2 — Choose the benefit you wish to file a claim for and follow the instructions to complete the process.