List of Holy Week 2024 Schedule & Celebrations
HOLY WEEK 2024 SCHEDULE – Here are the important dates and celebration during this season of Lent in March.
The Philippines is one of the countries across the globe that has a strong observance of the Holy Week or the season of Lent. Many Filipinos join prayers and attend church activities. There are also a lot of individuals who perform sacrifice through fasting and alms-giving.

The season of Lent commemorates many of the most significant events written in the Bible. During this season, countless people remember the suffering and death of the Son of God, Jesus Christ.
A lot of people stay in prayers while commemorating the 40 days that Jesus spent in the dessert, the painful scenarios on the way to His crucifixion, up to the last moments of the Son of God in the Cross. Many also watch religious movies.

Every year, the schedule of the Lenten celebration varies in terms of the dates where these significant religious celebrations fall. Here is the Holy Week 2024 schedule:
Ash Wednesday — February 14, 2024
The Ash Wednesday marks the first day of the season of Lent. For this year 2024, it falls on February 14 which is the same day that the Valentine’s Day is celebrated every year. Countless people attend church masses and have ashes on their forehead.
The Ash Wednesday marks the first day of the 40-day period towards the Holy Thursday. Many people begin fasting on Ash Wednesday leading to the Holy Week. Many are in different kinds of prayers as well.
Palm Sunday — March 24, 2024
The Palm Sunday is celebrated in commemoration of the event when the crowd greeted Jesus when he arrived in Jerusalem. They were crying “Hosanna” which means, “Save, Please!” as they waved with palm branches in their hands.
During this day, a lot of people attend masses in the church bringing along palm branches which are blessed by the priests with Holy Water after the mass.
Holy Monday — March 25, 2024
This day is intended in commemoration of the teachings and the purifications of Jesus Christ. Many activities are held in the church leading to Easter Sunday.
Holy Tuesday — March 26, 2024
The Holy Tuesday is a continued commemoration of Jesus Christ’s teachings a the temple. He continued with his teachings even amid the interference of the temple officials.
Holy Wednesday — March 27, 2024
During Holy Wednesday, the people commemorate the betrayal of Judas Iscariot which is the root of the arrest of Jesus Christ. He betrayed Jesus in exchange of silvers.
Holy Thursday — March 28, 2024
The Holy Thursday falls on March 28, 2024 this year. It is the day for the commemoration of the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with His disciples. During this day which is the one of highlights of the Holy Week 2024 celebration, the Blessed Sacrament is moved to the altar of rest. The washing of feet is also done by the priests on the disciples.
Good Friday — March 29, 2024
The Good Friday is the commemoration of the sufferings and death of the Son of God. On another side, it is the completion and victory of Jesus.
Holy Saturday — March 30, 2024
The Holy Saturday is also called the Black Saturday. It is the day when the people commemorate the day when the Son of God is death. It also leads to the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.