SSS Death Benefit Lump Sum — A Guide for Beneficiaries of Deceased Member

Details about the SSS Death Benefit Lump Sum Amount for Beneficiaries

SSS DEATH BENEFIT LUMP SUM – Here is a guide for the beneficiaries of a deceased member of the Social Security System.

In the Philippines, the SSS members enjoy the peace of mind that in case of their death, their families will not be left with nothing at all. It is because the Social Security System benefit offers includes death.

Through the SSS Death Benefit, the beneficiaries of a member may qualify to either a Death Benefit Pension or a Lump Sum. The former is granted to the beneficiaries of members who have posted at least 36 monthly contributions.

Meanwhile, in case the member’s total contributions have not reached the 36-contribution limit for a pension, the beneficiaries may be entitled to an SSS Death Benefit Lump Sum.

The SSS Death Benefit lump sum is a one-time payment to the beneficiaries of the deceased Social Security System member. The state-run social insurance agency prioritizes the grant to the spouse and the dependent children of the deceased member.

In the absence of the spouse and children, like for example the member is single when he/she died, the lump sum will be given to the parents who are the primary beneficiaries of single members. In the absence of the living parents, it will be granted to the legal heir indicated by the member during his/her application for membership.

How much is the SSS Death Benefit lump sum? The amount that will be received by the beneficiaries is equivalent to whichever is higher:

  • Monthly Pension for every month of contribution paid to the SSS prior to the semester of death
  • 2 times of the monthly pension

Aside from the lump sum which is a one-time payment to the beneficiary, the person who paid for the funeral expenses of the deceased SSS member may also apply for a Funeral Benefit.

In case an SSS member passed away without having posted at least one (1) monthly contribution, the family may file for a Funeral Benefit grant.

How To File for SSS Death Claim

Undeniably, while the monetary grant may not ease the emotional challenge felt by the bereaved family of an SSS member, the financial grants can really help in the financial struggle of the family most especially if the member who passed away is a huge earner supporting the family members’ needs.

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