How Much Are the Minimum & Maximum Savings under Pag-IBIG MP2?

Guide on Amount Limits under the Pag-IBIG MP2 Savings Facility

Here are some details on the minimum and maximum savings amounts allowed under the Pag-IBIG Fund MP2 facility.

The Pag-IBIG Fund which is in the service of the Filipino people for decades already is not only offering loans to its members. Truth be told that while it is most popular for its Housing Loan, through the years, it has expanded its offers and it now has another savings program.

The Fund launched the MP2 Savings which is a savings program with a five-year maturity. Under it, the members who invested their savings may earn bigger dividends compared to how their money can get under the Pag-IBIG Regular Savings.

The minimum amount that you can save under the Pag-IBIG MP2 Savings is Php 500 per remittance. There is no limit as to how much you can save under this savings program but a one-time savings that exceeds Php 500,000 will require you to make a personal remittance or a Manager’s check. A proof of income or source of funds may be required as well.

The Pag-IBIG Fund also allows a one-time lump sum amount remittance for the whole 5-year period. Here’s a guide on how much your P500 will earn based on the 7.5% dividend rate:

Month CoveredMonthly Savings (MS)Accumulated MS per yearCumulative SavingsAnnual Dividend PayoutTotal Accumulated Value TAV)
Jan-Dec 2020500.006,000.006,000.00243.756,000.00
Jan-Dec 2021500.006,000.0012,000.00693.7512,000.00
Jan-Dec 2022500.006,000.0018,000.001,143.7518,000.00
Jan-Dec 2023500.006,000.0024,000.001,593.7524,000.00
Jan-Dec 2024500.006,000.0030,000.002,043.7530,000.00
Month CoveredMonthly Savings (MS)Accumulated MS per yearCumulative SavingsDividend AmountTotal Accumulated Value TAV)
Jan-Dec 2020500.006,000.006,000.00243.756,243.75
Jan-Dec 2021500.006,000.0012,243.75712.0312,955.78
Jan-Dec 2022500.006,000.0018,955.781,215.4320,171.21
Jan-Dec 2023500.006,000.0026,171.211,756.5927,927.81
Jan-Dec 2024500.006,000.0033,927.812,338.3436,266.14
How To Open an MP2 Savings Account to Pag-IBIG Fund
Photo Credit: Kuripot Pinoy

There is an easy process on how you can open an account under the Pag-IBIG MP2 Savings program. Are you ready to grow your savings further?

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