New Year’s Eve Games You and Your Family Can Play while Waiting for Midnight

List of New Year’s Eve Games Your & Your Loved Ones Can Play

NEW YEAR’S EVE GAMES – Here are some fun games that you and your family can play while waiting for the clock to strike 12 midnight.

One of the annual celebrations that are celebrated in their grandest ways in many households in the Philippines is the New Year. A lot of families really take time to prepare lots of food to welcome the new year with family and friends.

New Year
Photo Credit: Makati Medical Center

In fact, there are a lot of New Year parties. Many individuals purchase fireworks and firecrackers which have been a part of the Filipinos’ way of welcoming the new year. There also New Year traditions that continue to live like the preparation of 12 fruits on NYE.

Most people stay up until past midnight to wait for the clock to strike 12. Do you want to have some New Year’s eve games this time while waiting for midnight?

New Year's Eve Games
Photo Credit: Good Housekeeping

There are a lot of fun New Year’s eve games that you and your loved ones can play. Here are some of the options most especially if you don’t want an extremely active or outdoor game since its dark and there are lots of firecrackers bursting everywhere.

Prepare some questions to recall certain experiences and get to know each other more. Write each question in a piece of paper and roll it. Place the rolled papers in a jar and anyone who picks them must answer them.

Pick words that will be considered banned for several hours towards midnight. Also, set a punishment for anyone who will forget and say those words. Other words that contain the term are also ground for punishments. For example, if the word is “BALL” and someone said “BALLER’, he/she must be punished.

Also one of the best New Year’s eve games that you can play with your family and friends is charades. One person has to act out the word chosen and the other or his/her group need to distinguish it.

Pour equal amounts of champagne in each bowl of the players. Prepare a glass for each player. To play, the players must transfer the champagne to the glass using a teaspoon. The first to win it wins the game.

One player must provide three (3) statements containing two (2) resolutions and a lie. The other player must be able to distinguish which among the statements is a lie.

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