What To Do Next After Passing LET Board Exams? Here are Some Tips

Useful Guide on What to do After Passing LET Board Exams

LICENSURE EXAMINATIONS FOR TEACHERS – Here are some useful tips on what to do next after passing LET Board Exams.

After successfully passing the board exam, the next importantl step for aspiring professionals is the PRC initial registration process. While the eagerness to secure a job immediately is understandable, it’s essential to proceed carefully during this period.

Now, the next step is to rank yourself for a chance to teach in a public school. It’s important to reach at least 70 points from various categories, and having teaching experience in a private school can be an advantage.

LET Board Exams

LET Board Exam Result September 2023

LET Ranking System

Education (GWA): Points are assigned based on your General Weighted Average (GWA) from college.

Based on DO 7

GWA / Points

  • / 18
  • 1.10 / 17.40
  • 1.20 / 16.80
  • 1.30 / 16.20
  • 1.40 / 15.60
  • 1.50 / 15
  • 1.60 / 14.40
  • 1.70 / 13.80
  • 1.80 / 13.20
  • 1.90 / 12.60
  • 2.00 / 12.00
  • 2.10 / 11.40
  • 2.20 / 10.80
  • 2.30 / 10.20
  • 2.40 / 9.60
  • 2.50 / 9
  • 2.60 / 8.40
  • 2.70 / 7.80
  • 2.80 / 7.20
  • 2.90-3.00 / 6.60

Based on DO 22

GWA / Points

  • 1.20 – 1.00 / 18
  • 1.50 – 1.30 / 17.40
  • 1.80 – 1.60 / 16.80
  • 2.10 – 1.90 / 16.20
  • 2.40 – 2.20 / 15.60
  • 2.70 – 2.50 / 15
  • 3.00 – 2.80 / 14.40

You can get up to 2 points for having a master’s or a doctorate degree. Points are awarded for every month of service, with the rate varying between DO 7 and DO 22 recalibration. Points are based on your LET or PBET rating, with higher scores earning more points.

Attending seminars with at least 10 days can earn you up to 10 points. Interview, demo teaching, and written test contribute to your total points, with a maximum of 15 points each.

You can earn up to 3 points for kindergarten experience or volunteer work with the Local Government Unit. If you don’t reach 70 points according to DO 7, DO 22 introduces recalibration, changing the points system for teaching experience and education.

Before diving into job hunting, candidates must complete the PRC initial registration, a requirement to become a licensed professional. Here’s a summarized guide to help new board exam passers through the process:

Qualification for PRC Initial Registration:

Board exam passers are eligible for initial registration. To confirm your success, check the results on the PRC website.

  1. Sign in to the PRC Online Portal
  2. Select the Purpose of Your Transaction
  3. Set an Appointment
  4. Select the Payment Option
  5. PRC Initial Registration Requirements
  6. CSC Form 212 (Personal Data Sheet) with latest 2×2 ID pictures.
  7. PRC professional Identification Card (License)
  8. Results of Rating obtained in the Licensure Examination for Teachers
  9. Transcript of Records (TOR) with certification of General Weighted Average of Academic Grades
  10. Service record. (Certificate of Employment) if any
  11. Certificates of Specialized Training. If any
  12. Voter’s certification or Brgy. Clearance
  13. NBI Clearance
  14. Two Documentary Stamps and a Short Brown Envelope
  15. Community Tax Certificate (Cedula)
  16. Notice of Admission (NOA)
  17. Registration Fee: Payable after securing an appointment online.

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