Filipinos Must Be Wise Enough Not To Spend All Hard-Earned Bonuses in Mall Sales, Promos

It’s Shopping Season in PH Again

December is undeniably shopping season in the Philippines but Filipinos must be wise enough to pour all their money to mall sales and promos.

The Philippines has one of the longest celebrations of the Christmas season in the world. Undeniably, it also has one of the grandest celebrations as many people start preparing as early as September for the holiday events. Parties and celebrations come left and right.

Mall Sales
Photo Credit: Coconuts

It is also in December when countless individuals receive their much-awaited 13th Month Pay and Christmas Bonus from their employers and the company they’re working for. These are products of the hard-work and the performance throughout the year.

To many people who don’t earn big, the 13th Month Pay and the Christmas Bonus are huge opportunities to pay off some debts. They are also usually used for the food preparations and the buying of gifts for the members of the family. A lot of people also buy themselves gift.

Christmas is a season of love and sharing. To many businesses like shopping malls and stores, the -ber months are also the months where they make huge sales as many people are usually out buying groceries and pieces of stuff for gifts.

Every December or even on the -ber months leading to it, shopping malls and establishments hold grand sales and promos. These usually gather a lot of shoppers who are out to buy gifts and other pieces of stuff. Undeniably, many people have the extra money for shopping.

However, amid recognizing that it is the sole decision of shoppers to make small and big purchases, it is my humble belief that Filipinos should be wary of the left and right sales and promos that can be very tempting. They can make you spend all your hard-earned 13th Month Pay and Christmas Bonus in a blink.

While it is okay to treat yourself and your loved ones with some pieces of stuff, it is also important to allot parts of your extra pays for investments and savings. This can boost your preparations against the unforeseen circumstances at times and investments can give your money the chance to grow.

Truth be told that, in the case of a lot of people, there are huge entries of money every December but there are also big exits due to shopping and celebrations. While it is never wrong to spend your money on the things you want to buy, it will also be beneficial to make sure you don’t just let all your hard-earned cash just go away.

Disclaimer: The content of the article posted above is an opinion of the writer. Also, the citations provided are based on the information deemed as facts by the different legit sources that contribute to the basis of the making of the whole viewpoint. The writer does not, in any form, intend to create inaccurate understanding of the topic or influence the readers instead, express one’s viewpoint in a formal manner.

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