7 Memorable Elephants Facts
ELEPHANTS – In this article, you will discover seven captivating insights about elephants that are certain to leave a lasting impression.
There are few animals as magnificent as the elephant. The African savanna elephant, also known as the African bush elephant, is the largest terrestrial mammal on Earth, weighing between 4 to 7 tons and standing up to 13 feet tall. Its counterparts, the African forest elephants and Asian elephants, are also sizable, albeit slightly smaller.
Despite their impressive stature, elephants face threats due to extensive poaching and illegal ivory trade, resulting in a significant decline in their numbers. Nonetheless, many individuals have developed a strong affection for these highly social animals and are actively involved in their conservation.

Curious about why certain elephants are evolving rapidly and what little creature instills fear in them? Below are seven fascinating facts about elephants that will leave a lasting impression.
1. Elephant Pregnancies Last Almost Two Years
Elephants undergo pregnancies lasting nearly two years, with African elephants giving birth every four to five years after a 22-month gestation period. Asian elephants have a similar reproductive pattern. Interestingly, the frilled shark, found near Chile and South Africa, boasts an even longer gestation period of about 42 months.
2. Elephants Communicate With Inaudible Rumbles
In addition to trumpeting, elephants communicate through inaudible rumbles that can be as low as 10 hertz, below the human hearing range. These vibrations can travel up to 6 miles through forests. Scientists have deciphered specific elephant rumble patterns denoting various behaviors, including greetings, mate-seeking, and searching for offspring.
3. Elephants Live in Matriarchal Societies
They live in matriarchal societies, with females remaining in close-knit family groups. The eldest female assumes the leadership role, overseeing a group of about six to 12 elephants, which can include her offspring, grandchildren, sisters, and their descendants. Male elephants, while independent, exhibit social behaviors and often form hierarchical groups.
4. Fewer Elephants Have Tusks Than a Few Decades Ago
Due to persistent poaching, the number of elephants born with tusks has significantly decreased over the decades. In certain regions, like Gorongosa National Park in Mozambique, the elephant population plummeted by 90% between 1977 and 1992.

5. Elephant Tusks Never Stop Growing
Tusks in elephants begin to develop around the age of 2 and continue to grow indefinitely throughout their lifetime. In the wild, these magnificent creatures can live up to approximately 60 years, allowing their tusks to reach remarkable lengths. Some elephants even have tusks that either touch the ground or come very close to it. Referred to as “tuskers,” or in the case of tusks weighing around 100 pounds each, “super tuskers,” these individuals are typically male, although not exclusively. Notably, a female matriarch elephant with impressive tusks, estimated to be between 60 and 65 years old, passed away in 2022.
6. Elephants Can Be Right- or Left-Tusked
Just as humans can favor one hand over the other, elephants can display a preference for one tusk over the other. Researchers can discern this preference easily by observing the wear on the tusks; the one that is more worn down is typically the one used more frequently. With older elephants, this preference becomes particularly pronounced as one tusk undergoes more wear while the other continues to grow. A study conducted in 2017 on nearly 700 elephant tusks revealed that there are slightly more right-tusked elephants than left-tusked ones, although the margin is not significant.
7. Elephants Are Terrified of Bees
Despite their massive size and thick skin, which is about an inch deep, elephants have a deep-seated fear of bees. This fear is so intense that farmers use bees as a natural and humane method to keep elephants at bay. By strategically placing beehives every 10 yards or so, researchers have managed to deter approximately 80% of elephant encounters.
African honeybees, known for their small size and aggressive nature, can sting vulnerable areas on elephants such as their eyes and mouths, which are not shielded by the thick skin. When bees begin to swarm, African elephants display agitated behavior, including flapping their ears, kicking up dust, and emitting vocalizations. While Asian elephants react with less intensity, they still exhibit visible signs of nervousness, such as shrinking away from the bees, seeking comfort from one another, and occasionally striking their trunks on the ground. In a previous article, we featured weird facts about animals you probably didn’t know.