Grade 5 Student’s Bag Goes Viral “Daddy’s Always at My Back (pack)”

Grade 5 Student’s Bag w/ Her Dad’s Photos Goes Viral Online

A grade 5 student’s bag with pictures of her father goes viral and brings good vibes online after it was posted on social media.

Regina Banate, a Facebook user, shared delightful photos of her daughter’s school bag, which have captured the hearts and attention of many online. The backpack, belonging to Francez Maria Maxynn Banate, a Grade 5 student, is adorned with pictures of her father, Mohammad Banate, a financial advisor by profession.

Maxynn’s school bag speaks volumes about the special relationship between father and daughter. The young girl intentionally kept the photos of her father in the backpack, taking them with her to Barasoain Memorial Integrated School in Malolos, Bulacan.

Grade 5 Student’s Bag

“Pinatabi ng daddy niya sa kaniya yung picture niya para sa mga posters sa pagiging FA (financial advisor). Tapos diyan nilagay sa bag niya. Para daw kapag may nang-inis sa kaniya, lagot sa daddy niya,” Banate said.

Banate revealed that her husband had given their daughter the photos for school posters, as he serves as a financial advisor. To ensure her safety and comfort, Maxynn decided to place the pictures on her backpack, believing that it would protect her from anyone who might bother her.

Regina said that her husband is actively involved in his children’s lives, providing support, care, and love in every way he can. Mohammad is the one who drops off and picks up their children from school.

Grade 5 Student’s Bag

Their closeness extends to Maxynn’s ambitions, as she aspires to be class president, which she achieves. She also wished for a parent to be a member of the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA), which her father readily granted by becoming the PTA’s vice president.

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