King Aegeus Death in Greek Mythology — An Unfortunate Tale

Tale of King Aegeus Death in Greek Mythology

KING AEGEUS DEATH – Here is the tale about the King of Athens in Greek Mythology who died before even his son returns.

Are you one of the individuals who love reading Greek Mythology stories? In college, it is undeniably an edge if you are aware of these stories as they are part of some subjects taught in the tertiary level of education. It would be easier for you to recall since there are a lot of gods, goddesses, nymphs, demigods, etc.

Greek Mythology
Photo Credit: Spartacus Brasil

The Greek Mythology is filled with a lot of tale including the summary of Perseus and Medusa and the story of titan Prometheus in Greek Mythology. There are countless tales thus reading them ahead will make it easier for you to comprehend the flow of the stories with enough time for readings.

Below, you can check another unfortunate tale about a king father and his warrior son in Greek Mythology — the story of King Aegeus and his son, Theseus.

King Aegeus Death
Photo Credit: Memolands

In Greek Mythology, there are several tear-jerking tales that might make you kiss your elbow. One of which is the legend about the King Aegeus Death.

Theseus, the son of King Aegeus who is the King of Athens, left Athens to go to the Palace of King Minos in Crete to kill the Minotaur. Before he left, King Aegeus told Theseus to change the sails of his ship from black to white when he returns to signal that he survived.

Theseus sailed in the pursuit to put an end to the Minotaur. In Crete, based on the Daedalus and Icarus summary of tale, King Minos ordered the making of a labrynth for the minotaur. Its inventor, Daedalus, with the help of the goddess of wisdom Athena, made sure that the minotaur will not be able to escape.

The son of King Aegeus was successful in killing the minotaur but he forgot to change the sails of his ship to white on his voyage home. The King of Athens was filled with sadness and grief upon seeing the ship of his son in black sails.

The intense grief left to King Aegeus death. He fell from the rocks of Sounio into the sea. In his memory, the sea is called Aegean. His son, Theseus, succeeded him in his throne.

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