Hacker Controls Smartphone After Connecting to Public Wi-Fi

Smartphone Compromised by Hacker After Connecting to Public Wi-Fi

HACKING INCIDENT – A hacker was able to control a smartphone after the lady owner connects to a free public Wi-Fi.

A woman found herself in a disbelief as she witnessed her cellphone’s screen moving on its own. It happened after she connected to a free public Wi-Fi network, leaving her helpless in the face of an apparent hack.

The victim recounted her experience, explaining that she had been a frequent user of free public Wi-Fi until the incident happened.


In the video, it appeared as if a hacker was attempting to guess the mobile phone’s password and even went as far as trying to capture the victim’s image for facial recognition. The hacker had gained remote access to the smartphone, leaving the owner unable to regain control.

“May nag-remote access nga talaga nung phone ko. Yung solid grey circle, ‘yun. Kinonfirm naman nila na iba nga ‘yun sa assistive touch. Parang tinawag nila itong pointer na lumalabas kapag naka-connect ‘yung device mo sa isa pang device, at puwedeng ‘yung kabilang device ‘yung magko-control nung isa pang device,” the victim said.

In seeking help, the victim took her phone to the customer service of the cellphone provider, where her suspicions were confirmed that her phone has been hacked.

Technology experts have shed light on the security vulnerabilities of public Wi-Fi services, indicating that the encryption levels are often insufficient, allowing hackers to gain access to the device with ease.

Kung ako yung hacker, dapat hindi puwedeng malaman ng victim ko na ina-access ko na pala ang device niya, na na-access ko na data niya,” Jun Macarambon said.

The experts advised the public to avoid download or visiting links from anonymous sender and regularly update their passwords to prevent potential hacking attempts.

Earlier this months, a man has been arrested after hacking messenger account and asking cash from contact list


The social media users expressed their reactions to this hacking incident:

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