DENR: Reclamation Projects Must Consider ‘Big One’

Reclamation Projects Must Consider Possibility of ‘Big One’, DENR Says

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) has stressed the need for reclamation projects in Manila Bay and nearby areas to consider the potential impact of the ‘Big One’ earthquake.

On Wednesday, August 2, 2023, DENR Secretary Antonia Yulo Loyzaga emphasized the importance of considering the ecological effects of the reclamation projects alongside their economic benefits.

While acknowledging the significance of these projects in improving the country’s economy, Loyzaga pointed out that they must also take into account the potential surge of sea levels during implementation.

Reclamation Projects

“For example, sea level rise needs to be considered, along with the different possible geological events that could actually take place—as you know, there has been a lot of talk about the ‘Big One,’” Loyzaga said.

The term ‘Big One’ refers to a projected 7.2-magnitude earthquake that is expected to strike the Philippines. Loyzaga expressed concern that such an earthquake could affect relief and rescue operations in the reclaimed areas.

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“The rescue and relief operations were meant to come by air and by sea. So reclamation projects could possibly have an impact on that plan. You could look up Oplan Metro Yakal Plus,” she added.

The Philippine Reclamation Authority has reported that there are currently 22 reclamation projects in Manila Bay, with 13 projects covering at least 5,000 hectares already approved. One of the three reclamation projects has already begun landfilling since February of this year.

These projects were approved and signed by the Duterte administration with completion dates spanning from 2019 to 2021.

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